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  • monitoring

    • partial successes
    • no easy error code like HTTP -> track #of exceptions
  • Query complexity (can have pathologically nested queries)

    1. only allow cached queries (persisted queries)
    2. calculate complexity score
    3. calculate query depth
  • caching complexity

    1. Data loader
    2. client side caching

GraphQL @ Twitter

GraphQL Federation @Netflix (Private)

notes from 11/23/2020

  • How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation (Part 1)
  • why graphQL:
    • disparate teams building single-use aggregation layers
    • teams building materialized views - data consistency issue
  • why federation:
    • Bottleneck of the centralized graph API team - disconnected from the domain expertise and the product needs
  • Studio API federated GraphQL example
    • new schema
    • architecture
    • Query planning and execution
    • detailed query plan
  • architecture evolution