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Spring Boot up and Running

Chap 1: in nutshell

3 foundational features:

  1. starters for dependency management
  2. Executable JARs for Simplified Deployment
    • instead of shading (combining dependency + app JARs into one), nest JARs
    • can run the app
      • simple java -jar <SpringBootAppName.jar>
      • make the Jar self-executable
  3. convention over configuration
    • autoconfig
    • defaults favor local dev environment

Chap 2: Choosing Tools and Getting Started

  • Maven vs Gradle
    • Maven:
      • project structure strict convention
        • rigic declarative -> consistency -> less issues
    • Gradle:
      • Incremental compilation, only compile changes
      • allows scripting/programming
      • flexibility -> more tweaking and troubleshooting
  • Java vs Kotlin
    • Kotlin
      • benefits:
        • less verbose
        • safe: by default no null values
        • define own syntax with "extension function" and "infix" - more readable

Chap 3: REST API

  • use to test REST APIs (over Curl, postman)

  • Use class-level @RequestMapping (Private) annotation for shared URL portion

    class RestApiDemoController {
  • Use ResponseEntity to include status codes.

    ResponseEntity<Coffee> putCoffee(@PathVariable String id,
            @RequestBody Coffee coffee) {
        return (coffeeIndex == -1) ?
                new ResponseEntity<>(postCoffee(coffee), HttpStatus.CREATED) :
                new ResponseEntity<>(coffee, HttpStatus.OK);

Chap 4: DB access

  • @entity on model, no-arg constructor, setters on all fields
  • Repository
    • CrudRepository with generic CRUD operations
    • JpaRepository extends CrudRepository

Chap 5: Config

  • @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "greeting")
  • @ConfigurationPropertiesScan
  • need spring-boot-configuration-processor dependency
  • Autoconfiguration Report
    • java -jar bootapplication.jar --debug
    • java -Ddebug=true -jar bootapplication.jar
    • export DEBUG=true in shell
    • add debug=true to file
  • Actuator
    • runtime info get/set
    • need spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency
    • secure by default with little info
    • opening it up
      • management.endpoints.web.exposure.include
      • or when_authorized
    • query
      • /actuator/env - get env variable and where config props comes from
      • /actuator/beans - all beans created
      • actuator/health - Health info (basic or expanded, depending on settings)
      • /actuator/loggers
        • echo '{"configuredLevel": "TRACE"}' | http :8080/actuator/loggers/ change logger level on the fly
      • /actuator/mappings
      • /actuator/heapdump and /actuator/threaddump
      • /actuator/metrics