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Week1 - Intro

  • Definition of GIS: software and data that enables to answer questions involving location and spatial info. Yelp, G maps, etc. all count
  • Desktop GIS - editting, processing,
  • Web GIS - mostly for displaying


  • Vector and feature data

    • categorical and multivariate data
      • e.g. each watershed has an attribute table
    • Points, lines, polygons
      • Lines: 1D, can have an attribute record
      • Polygons: 2D, can have an attribute record
  • Raster data - continuous data

    • grid of fixed-size pixels - uniform value within in pixel
    • imagery (multiband raster data e.g. RGB) is raster data
  • map documents in ArcGIS

    • stores representation of data, provide a workspace
    • ext: .mxd
    • the map data is not embeded.
  • Orthophoto: arieal photo after location corrected to the map

  • Watershed Analysis

    • NHD – National Hydrography Dataset – A dataset that contains water bodies and streamlines for the United States
      • Flowlines – the streamlines contained within NHD
      • NHDPlus – an enhanced version of NHD that adds additional attributes for each streamline, such as contributing area, flow, elevation, WBD, etc. Often used in place of NHD.
    • WBD – Watershed Boundary Dataset – a dataset containing nested watershed boundaries for the United States
      • HUCs – Hydrologic Unit Codes – the watersheds created by the WBD