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Survival Analysis

Survival analysis

Survival analysis is a branch of statistics for analyzing the expected duration of time until one or more events happen, such as death in biological organisms and failure in mechanical systems. - wikipedia

Historically, originally developed and used by acturaries and medical researchers to estimate population lifetimes.

  • Video: Censoring

    • Assume: censoring is non-informative - being censored or not is not related to the probablity of event happening
  • Video: Survival Function, Hazard, & Hazard Ratio

    • Survival function: S(t) = P(T>t) = prob. of survival beyond time t

    • Hazard: HAZ = P(T< t + dt | T >t) = prob of dying in next few seconds, given alive now

    • Hazard ratio (HR) , prob of dying in next few seconds given exposure vs. not

      \( HR = {HAZ, x=1 \over HAZ, x=0} \)

  • Video: comparing 3

    modelKaplan-MeierExponentialCox-PH model
    can est S(t)
    can est S(t) and HRhazard can fluctuate with time
    can est HR
    conNo functional form
    cannot est HR *
    not always realistic
    assume constant HAZ
    Weibull model allows haz to proprotially ↗ or ↘ with time)
    cannot est S(t)
  • Video: part 4- Kaplan-Meier model

    • Process to compute the survival curve:
    • censored data get incorporated for all the prob. calculations before they drop out
    • a tick indicate censored data
    • example graph from water pipe break paper
  • Video: Exponential vs Weibull vs Cox Proportional Hazards

    • Overall:
      • \( Survival Function = S(t) = P(T>t) = e^{-HAZ*t} \)
      • \( HAZ = e^{ b{0} + b{1}x{1} + b{2}x{2} + ... + b{k}x_{k}} \)
      • \( \ln(HAZ) = b{0} + b{1}x{1} + b{2}x{2} + ... + b{k}x_{k} \)
      • \( b_0 \) is \( \ln(HAZ) \) for reference (at T=0)
    • Exponential
      • \( b_0 \) is constant -> constant hazard
    • Weibull
      • \( b_0 \) is proprotional to time: \( \ln(\alpha) \ln(t) + b_0 \) => \( b_0 \)
      • \(\alpha = 1 \) - constant hazard
      • \(\alpha > 1 \) - hazard increase with time
      • \(\alpha < 1 \) - hazard decrease with time
    • Cox Proportional Hazards
      • \( b_0 \) is a function of time
      • the algo can estimate \( b_1, b_2, .... \) without having to specify the funtion for \( b_0 \)
      • good for analyzing hazard ratios: how effective is treatment A vs B, exposure or non-exposure
      • can't do predictive models on survival

    Lifelines: Survival analysis in python

  • Talk from the author

  • Docs:

Coursera: AI for Medical Prognosis

  • prognosis vs diagnosis:
    • prognosis = predicting the likely or expected development of a disease
  • examples in medical practice:
    • CHA2DS2-VASc score for atrial fibrillation
    • MELD score for end-stage liver desease:
      • \( ln \) terms
      • contain an intercept = if all other values is 0, expected risk score
    • ASCVD (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease) Risk Calculator
      • interaction terms - capture dependence btw variables
        • e.g. blood pressure has less effect of risk when patient is older

Evaluating risk scores

  • Concordant Pairs:

    • Concordant = patient with worse outcome has higher risk score
    • if outcome ties => exclude
    • if outcome different => permissible pair => inlcude
    • rule:
      • +1 for permissible pair that is Concordant
      • +0.5 for permissible pair with risk tie (outcome different, but same risk score)
  • C-index

    \( C-index = { Count{concordant} + 0.5 Count{ties} \over Count_{permissible}} \)

  • Applying c-index on censored data - Harrel's C-Index

    • patient A & B both not censored => always permissible, even if A & B has same time-to-event
    • patient A & B both censored => not permissible
    • patient A censored, B not censored:
      - if A < B - not permissible
      - if A >= B - permissible