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Social Networks

Social Networking 2.0 from Stratechery

  • 12/26/2020
  • v1 digital products simply copy what already exists offline. V2 makes it better.
    • example: peronsalized news feed + advertising vs newspapers
  • Social networks:
    • Twitter’s incompetence didn’t simply make Facebook’s advertising business look more dominant than it should have; it led all of us — including the FTC — to miss the point that friends and family was Social Networking 1.0: something imported from the analog world that, as time goes on, will be viewed as inferior to the far richer universe that is Social Networking 2.0.

    • real life: conflict b/w your whole self & partial interest overlap with other friends/family

      The fact that I am not my whole self in any of these groups is a feature, not a bug, and one that is uniquely made possible by digital.