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Read: 2022 Jan

Although not deep into any of the topics mentioned, it's a useful survey that gets me started on forming frameworks on how to improve my learning systematically.

4 villans

  • digital deluge
    • 小白鼠实验 如果没有downtime 新体验不能激发Neural activity -> long term memory pathway
    • 确实如此 去年第一次请了一天假 agenda就是给自己想清楚自己想做什么 感觉快乐多了 清晰多了
  • digital distraction
  • digital dementia
  • digital deduction - let the internet do your thinking and draw your conclusions
    • 这条非常真实
      • 发现学习最重要的方式是对话,而journaling和写作是一种自己和自己对话的方式

limitless brain

  • neuroplasticity
    • London taxi cab study - larger posterior hippocampi


  • pomodoro method

    • 25 min on, 5 min break
    • primacy + recency -> better remembered. the middle tends to forget
    • more breaks -> more beginnings and endings

    • forget - 放下成见
    • act
    • state - energized, curious, excited
    • teach
    • enter - put onto calendar
    • review - recall
  • read with questions - brain is motivated to find answer

  • what is your dominant question?

    • neg example: a people pleaser's dominant question: how do i get people to like me?
    • positive example: will smith - how do i make this moment more magical?
    • what is my doimant question?

limitless mindset


  1. name the limiting beliefs
  2. get to the facts - when you look at facts of what your past actions have resulted, you are usually not as bad at something as you think you are
  3. create a separet persona for the inner critic - make it ugly beast. it's not you


  • think for self:

    • passions?
    • purpose?
    • what am I? identitiy
    • values - a prioritized list
  • when make goals, clear about reasons behind it -> deepens commitment

  • not saying yes to everything

    • when you say yes to something, careful you are not inadvertently saying no to yourself and needs
  • motivate through pain: what do you have to lose? "If i don't, I __"

small simple steps

Zeigarnik effect - uncompleted tasks created level of tension that keeps task at front of mind until completed best way to stop feeling guilty of not getting something done: break small baby steps and get moving towards completion

building habits

  • breaking a bad habit is about replacing it with a more constructive habit

  • Jim's morning routine:

    • recall dream
    • make bed
    • drink water
    • brush teeth with left hand
    • short exercise
    • cold shower
    • breathing & medidation
    • journal and set agenda for the day
  • my own habit to build in 2022:


  • key ways to get into flow
    • lack distraction
    • block of time
    • clarity on goal
    • should be a little challenging so not bored, but not too challenging. just a little outside



  • it's not about mind jumping from place to place. but about awareness
    • need to keep the ball of light shining on the same place
    • practice when talking, keep mind on conversation
  • calming busy mind
    1. breathe: 4-7-8
    2. do something that's been causing you stress
    3. schedule time for distraction

note taking

  • note down what hoping to retain, what's important for my goal
  • "capture & create"
    • one side note, one side reactions, creations: how can i use this? why? when?


same stuff as Moonwalking with Einstein

Speed Reading

  • inpediments to speed:
    • regression
    • subvocalization
  • method
    • pacer
    • exercise
      • same text, reduce the time
      • perpheral vision
      • counting while reading (to supress subvocalization)


  • 6 thinking hats - Dr edward de bono

    • white: info gather
    • yellow: positives
    • black: difficulties and cons
    • red: emotion & feelings
    • green: creativeitiy - new ideas, new way of looking at problem
    • blue: management and organize
  • mental models:

    • 40/70 rule - Colin Power - make a decision with 40% < info < 70%
    • create a not-to-do list
      • prioiritize todo list
      • be clear about what should't do
  • exponential Thinking

    1. get to underlying probleem
    2. posit new approach
    3. read & research